Dark Alien Clouds

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On a slow Friday afternoon at the office, I happened to go look out the window and saw some interesting cloud patterns.

Do not adjust your camera...the coloured diffraction pattern you are seeing is real. I don't think I have ever noticed this around the edges of clouds before.

The undulating pattern in the cloudscape was really too wide to easily capture; Istarted getting drawn instead into the details in the clouds. Interesting patterns were forming near where they passed in front of the sun.

Underexposing by normal standards captured the detail, and gave a sense of foreboding.

Even the seagulls seemed spooked.

Looks like either something cataclysmic is going to happen, or I have landed on an alien planet.

I love the turbulence shown here.

The birds are fleeing!

Underworld sunset?

Final glimpse. Friday afternoon wasn't so bad after all. Now back to work!